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Distinctively CHA

Archives - October 2021

Next Step in the Journey

October 25, 2021
By Dr. Susan DeMoss
Seniors at OBU

Christian Heritage Academy is committed to preparing Christian leaders for every sphere of society who understand America’s gospel purpose. One way that this is accomplished is through our Senior Seminar class.  In 2021, Senior Hour was transformed to be more missional-minded. Students are encouraged to reason about various post-secondary school options critically.  Mr. Justin Moore teaches the course.  As a former university admissions counselor, Mr. Moore has a great deal of wisdom in preparing students for the next step of the journey.  He has arranged weekly college visits from in-state and out-of-state colleges as well as public and private universities.  A part of the class is also to shadow an adult who is currently working in the student’s “dream vocation,” and effort is made to showcase a variety of careers, working on expanding students’ knowledge of real-world opportunities. The students are allowed to take one day out of school to work alongside the mentor and then return to class to present their experiences. Students and parents are also encouraged to schedule college visits.  The picture above was sent to me from a visit last Friday.  Being on campus and having the ability to ask questions and experience college life is invaluable.

We are so grateful to the men and women that God has brought to CHA to help prepare our students for the next step of the journey. We are thankful for the opportunity to partner with families in this process. If you would like to help more students attend CHA and be prepared for the next step, please consider attending one of our upcoming Opportunity Scholarship Fund interest meetings. They will be on Nov. 4, Nov. 11, Nov. 18, and Dec. 2 for breakfast from 7:30–8:15 A.M. or lunch from 11:30- 12:15. Please contact or for more information.

Open Door Policy

October 18, 2021
By Dr. Susan DeMoss
Open Locker

CHA is sometimes referred to as “Mayberry.” Friday night football games, the Fall Festival, and the CHA family are just a few examples of our culture, which enjoys each other and values the simplicities of life. Another example of liberty is seen in the secondary hallways. In each locker bay, one can see a plethora of lockers left open. How can students leave their notebooks, cell phones, and other items in a locker unattended? How is it that rarely is something taken from a locker that is left open? It is a culture that is predicated upon trust. It is the result of Christian self-government. CHA is not a perfect school filled with perfect people. At Christian Heritage Academy, self-government is taught from the foundational pre-kindergarten level through the senior year. It is the underpinning of our primary levels of leadership, which are that leaders obey and set an example.

This is not the only place in which the door is left open. Our office administration also has an open-door policy for our students and families. The heart of a leader seeks to listen and understand. Our first practice of leadership is to value people. The “open door” is for all to feel welcome and seen. This liberty is a result of God’s grace in our school. 2 Corinthians 3:17 states, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” Let freedom ring!


October 11, 2021
By Dr. Susan DeMoss

CHA is a part of the Foundation of American Christian Education Commonwealth. We have a distinct philosophy of education to fulfill God’s call upon our school to raise the next generation of Christian leaders to accomplish America’s gospel purpose. We achieve this philosophy through our methodology known as the Principle Approach. Utilizing the Principle Approach produces scholars in every subject area who reason biblically from God’s word.

Last week, Dr. Mike Myers from the Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE), located in Virginia, visited our school. CHA is the largest and oldest Principle Approach school in the nation. FACE presented CHA with a proclamation commending CHA as a Leading Principle Approach school. Accompanying this honor, we will have the opportunity to help other like-minded schools across the country. This recognition is a reminder of God’s faithfulness. For fifty years, God has blessed CHA with many outstanding faculty, staff, and families. As we celebrate our golden anniversary this year, please join us in thanking God for His graciousness to our school and celebrate with us as He expands our influence.


October 07, 2021
By Dr. Susan DeMoss

Throughout Scripture, God commands His people to remember. Remember His promises. Remember His faithfulness. Remember what He has done. The 2021-22 school years marks CHA’s 50th year as a school. Plans are being made for our 50th-anniversary celebration in the spring. Another way that we are celebrating is with the announcement of the Ralph Bullard Training Facility. Mr. Ralph Bullard was an avid supporter and coach. He started the first chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) at Edmond High School in the 1960s. Mr. Bullard understood that athletics was a platform for the gospel. This fall, we are hosting two more events for our parents and patrons to learn more about the Ralph Bullard Training Facility. If you would like to attend this free event and see how you can pray and support this opportunity to impact the lives of our elementary and secondary students, please contact You may also pick up more information at the Development table at any home football game.

Biblical Worldview

October 04, 2021
By Dr. Susan DeMoss
Seven Doctrines Picture

One does not have to look very far to understand that a person’s worldview frames their understanding of events. If you watch the evening news, there are a variety of narratives that paint a story of why things happen. At CHA, we are committed to teaching God’s Word.  From PK–12th grade, our students learn the metanarrative of Scripture (Creation—Fall—Redemption—Restoration). Each grade level also learns the seven doctrines of a Biblical worldview. Above is a doctrine wheel that our fourth graders produced this fall. These are distinctives of CHA’s Bible curriculum.  

Why does doctrine matter? Doctrine is the set of truths taught in Scripture. At CHA, the seven doctrines are the Bible, God, Man, Christ/The Holy Spirit, Redemption/Salvation, The Church, and The Future. Our students must know what they believe and articulate these beliefs to a lost and dying world. Through our distinct five-step approach to Biblical reasoning, students are taught to engage the culture and wrestle with ideas to learn to take every thought captive. 

I am thankful for the opportunity to work at CHA and have had our children attend. CHA indeed does desire to partner with the home and the church in “building a solid foundation in the life of each student.” CHA’s Bible curriculum is one way that we are accomplishing our mission.

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