
Open Door Policy

October 18, 2021
By Dr. Susan DeMoss
Open Locker

CHA is sometimes referred to as “Mayberry.” Friday night football games, the Fall Festival, and the CHA family are just a few examples of our culture, which enjoys each other and values the simplicities of life. Another example of liberty is seen in the secondary hallways. In each locker bay, one can see a plethora of lockers left open. How can students leave their notebooks, cell phones, and other items in a locker unattended? How is it that rarely is something taken from a locker that is left open? It is a culture that is predicated upon trust. It is the result of Christian self-government. CHA is not a perfect school filled with perfect people. At Christian Heritage Academy, self-government is taught from the foundational pre-kindergarten level through the senior year. It is the underpinning of our primary levels of leadership, which are that leaders obey and set an example.

This is not the only place in which the door is left open. Our office administration also has an open-door policy for our students and families. The heart of a leader seeks to listen and understand. Our first practice of leadership is to value people. The “open door” is for all to feel welcome and seen. This liberty is a result of God’s grace in our school. 2 Corinthians 3:17 states, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” Let freedom ring!