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Interested in supporting CHA?

Call us at (405) 672-1787 and you'll be sure to find an opportunity to serve. Below are a few of the groups organized to help carry out the vision and mission of Christian Heritage Academy.

P.U.R.P.O.S.E. is a volunteer organization of parents who assist, support and serve the goals and needs of CHA's total program through various activities and events. P.U.R.P.O.S.E. stands for Parents Utilizing Resources, Promoting Opportunities, Serving, Encouraging.  All parents and guardians of CHA students are members of P.U.R.P.O.S.E. P.U.R.P.O.S.E. activities include coordinating Homeroom Moms and Fall Festival activities, providing hospitality at events such as New Parent Fellowship and graduation, organizing school-wide fundraising events and using funds raised to support the mission of CHA by meeting school needs. You can view the latest announcments from P.U.R.P.O.S.E. here.

Christian Heritage Academy strives to produce American Christian leaders in every sphere of society. Within the life a student, athletics is a valuable tool to build character and relationships. The CHA Booster Club assists the school as it seeks to:

  • Encourage school-spirit
  • Provide a family atmosphere at events
  • Foster relationships among families
  • Provide a positive testimony to the community and guests
  • Promote attendance at games
  • Support and encourage the nine athletic programs at CHA

This group gives assistance to teachers and/or class sponsors in planning and providing necessities for class events, such as parties, field trips, etc.

Nearly as long as Christian Heritage Academy has existed, students, parents, faculty, and staff have participated in our annual Fall Festival. What started as a general fundraiser for the school has changed in recent years to focus on providing Christmas love gifts to faculty and staff. Also, specific attractions like the Senior Silent Auction and t-shirt sales help to send our senior class on their annual American Christian Heritage Tour to Plymouth and Boston. This event bears the most evidence of volunteer work. Parents are needed for everything, from selling tickets to running a booth to helping with the cake walk and silent auction.

Every Friday morning from 8:30 am - 9:30 am parents from across the school gather in the second floor Elementary Conference Room for an open prayer meeting. They diligently pray for administration, faculty, staff, students, parents, and the school. Prayer requests can currently be submitted at a prayer box in the main office.