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What do parents and students say about the Discovery Program?

Going through the Discovery Program helped to improve my self-confidence by being able to accomplish tasks by myself. The program also helped to take away the fears that I had about 'life after graduation.' Will I be able to do the work in college? Will I be able to handle complex responsibilities in the workplace? God is such an awesome God, and He will meet every need. I am so thankful to Him for providing me with such a life-changing opportunity as Discovery.

Alicia Holleman, Class of 1994

Through the training our daughter received in Discovery, she has been able to excel academically. Her ability to focus her attention and retain information has tremendously increased since completing the program. She has successfully completed many courses that required a great deal of memorization, and she is currently enrolled in an advanced placement geometry class. In addition to her academic success, she started playing the harp and in a very short time advanced to the point that she has been able to minister in churches, nursing homes, and in a children's convalescent center. We believe that Discovery was the tool that the Lord used to help our daughter succeed.

Kathy Hubbart, Parent of a Discovery Graduate

Fifth grade was a year that I will never forget. A year filled with frustration and defeat. I knew that my son, Brian, had so much potential but somehow could not realize that potential in school. He often lost papers, did not follow instructions, was easily distracted and lacked organizational skills. Moreover, he started feeling defeated since his successes were few and far between. I had more conversations with his teacher about his conduct than I want to remember. We were all discouraged and overwhelmed. We believed in his abilities but we did not know how to help our son. I even contemplated resigning as the Spanish teacher here at CHA and “home-schooling” my son. We explored numerous options to help Brian. Mercifully, through conversations with Mrs. Geis and his teacher, we all concluded that Brian needed to be tested by Discovery. His discrepancies between his tests that measure potential and his everyday school work need to be addressed. Through Discovery, we learned that his behavior was not a character issue, rather it was a “disconnect” between his abilities and his reality. The diagnostic tests were accurate and were able to give direction to his therapists, teachers and us. As a result, Brian has improved in the following ways: (1) He can successfully organize a CHA notebook which speaks for itself; (2) He can successfully follow and remember instructions; (3) He can control impulsive comments in class; (4) He can manage his time more efficiently. Most importantly, he is a more confident advocate for his own successes in school. He is not perfect and does not always succeed, but his successes outnumber his failures which build confidence and character in our son. We would like to take this opportunity to say a colossal “Thank you” to Discovery for your insight, patience and giving Brian the tools he needs to be a successful student and person.

Michelle Moore, Regarding Son Brian, Class of 2014

Before I entered Discovery I couldn’t read. The numbers got all jumbled around in my head and I hated math. As one of the youngest students in the program and through the wonderful help of first Mrs. Williamson, then Mrs. Geis, I learned how to read and write and do arithmetic. I am an A-B student and devour book after book. Those hard techniques help you process and think. I used to get distracted easily, and now I can multitask. The only way for you to reach this point is if you’re determined to overcome and work hard at Discovery. Nothing worth gaining comes easily I want to impart to the students that no matter how hard or difficult it seems now, if you continue to strive for your best, you will overcome. I would not trade the relationships I have made and the opportunities I am now granted for anything in the world. I’m really grateful for all the Discovery program has done for me.

Danielle Killion, Class of 2010

I have had several students involved in the Teach program over the past two years. I am sold on the program from the aspect of the improvement I see academically and socially in my students. The Teach program helps my students to achieve a level of success in the classroom they otherwise would not accomplish. It builds confidence in the students and helps them in developing a level of confidence so they are not fearful to take a risk. I believe that this program is a wonderful companion to the academic program here at CHA and it allows us to meet needs that children have that hinder them from experiencing the success they desire. The staff of therapists are very dedicated in helping the students to be the best they can be and very willing to work with the teacher in establishing a workable program for each of the students. Their care and concern for the children is a testimony to the success of the program.

Mrs. Becky Dumbleton, 1st Grade Teacher of Search & Teach students

Rx for Reading has helped our daughter not only academically, but she has gained confidence in every aspect of her life! She now feels like she can succeed at anything! We feel Emma and our family have been blessed by her being a student of Rx for Reading. She has persevered under trials & has stood the test. Just like it says in James 1:12 - "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial", she has overcome many obstacles with direction from the Discovery therapist and the Rx for Reading program. We feel God will use this time of struggles and accomplishments to bless her and others through her. The Discovery program isn't always easy, but once our daughter could tell it was helping her, she was ready to do the work! She overcame obstacles with help from the Rx for Reading program. She now feels more confident in her classes and socially. She knows she will succeed at anything she puts her mind to!

Mr. and Mrs. Rod Vernon, Parents of an RX for Reading student