
Biblical Worldview

October 04, 2021
By Dr. Susan DeMoss
Seven Doctrines Picture

One does not have to look very far to understand that a person’s worldview frames their understanding of events. If you watch the evening news, there are a variety of narratives that paint a story of why things happen. At CHA, we are committed to teaching God’s Word.  From PK–12th grade, our students learn the metanarrative of Scripture (Creation—Fall—Redemption—Restoration). Each grade level also learns the seven doctrines of a Biblical worldview. Above is a doctrine wheel that our fourth graders produced this fall. These are distinctives of CHA’s Bible curriculum.  

Why does doctrine matter? Doctrine is the set of truths taught in Scripture. At CHA, the seven doctrines are the Bible, God, Man, Christ/The Holy Spirit, Redemption/Salvation, The Church, and The Future. Our students must know what they believe and articulate these beliefs to a lost and dying world. Through our distinct five-step approach to Biblical reasoning, students are taught to engage the culture and wrestle with ideas to learn to take every thought captive. 

I am thankful for the opportunity to work at CHA and have had our children attend. CHA indeed does desire to partner with the home and the church in “building a solid foundation in the life of each student.” CHA’s Bible curriculum is one way that we are accomplishing our mission.