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Why are traditions important?

Tradition in the Latin literally means "to deliver." Tradition, as defined by Noah Webster, means "...the delivery of opinions, doctrines, practices, rites and customs from father to son, or from ancestors to posterity." The Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:15 says "Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle."

Dovetailing with tradition is heritage, meaning that which is claimed by right of inheritance. Children are a heritage from the Lord. [Psalm 127:3] God's Word is the believer's heritage. [Psalm 119:111] The people of God are His heritage. [1 Peter 5:3]

What is Christian Heritage Academy called to deliver, and to whom? In short, we are to deliver our heritage. More specifically, we are to deliver our American Christian heritage to the next generation. Traditions are the vehicle by which we deliver that heritage. Traditions create a sense of connectedness through the generations, reinforce core values, communicate the culture, serve as an means of creating lasting memories, and offer context and time for thought and reflection. The enduring traditions of Christian Heritage Academy, several of which are as old as the academy, serve to pass down to future generations that precious American Christian heritage we have the responsibility to both remember and restore.

What is the American Christian Heritage Tour?

Often described as the culmination of a Crusader's education, senior class members take the years of what they have learned in the classroom and experience it firsthand. Over the course of nine days, the senior class, its sponsors, and many parents visit the birthplaces of our American Christian heritage. While staying in Plymouth and Boston, MA, they travel to Provincetown, Lexington, Concord, Cambridge, and Salem. They see historic buildings, cemeteries, statues, monuments, and memorials. They experience the Boston Pops symphony, a Red Sox baseball game, whale watching off Cape Cod, and more. And, of course, they listen to the stories of our national history come to life as they stand in the same places where the events occurred. More than a senior trip, it is the capstone lesson to graduates to propagate the Gospel and restore our nation.

What is the American Christian Government Tour?

The purpose for the sixth grade American Christian Government Tour is to glorify God by helping students understand the development of our American Christian form of government, teaching students the most effective form of government is local—beginning with self-government, revealing evidence of the Christian influence of our nation through documents and Christian symbolism in our nation’s monuments and public buildings, and fostering unity and fellowship among sixth graders as they transition to secondary school. Students, teachers, and parents visit such historical settlements as Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Valley Forge, in addition to important federal sites like the Library of Congress, Supreme Court, Capitol, White House, and the National Archives. Many memorials and burial sites recall the individual to the blessings of liberty God has bestowed upon America and to reclaim and preserve that heritage.

What is the Fall Festival?

Nearly as long as Christian Heritage Academy has existed, students, parents, faculty, and staff have participated in our annual Fall Festival. What started as a general fundraiser for the school has changed in recent years to focus on providing Christmas love gifts to faculty and staff. Also, specific attractions like the Senior Silent Auction and t-shirt sales help to send our senior class on their annual American Christian Heritage Tour to Plymouth and Boston.