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Run It Back

January 30, 2023
By Dr. Susan DeMoss

This year’s spring homecoming theme is “Run It Back.”  The verse is Psalm 143:5-6, “I remember the days of old;  I meditate on all that you have done;  I ponder the work of your hands. I stretch out my hands to you;  my soul thirsts for you like a parched land.”

The student council has beaconed the student body to remember the entire year. Remember what they have been taught — awaken and live their faith. Secondary students voted on their top five all-time homecoming days from years gone by. Decorations recall memories of elementary years and friends.

As a teacher, the best gift a student (or parent) can give is to come back — “Run it Back.” Run back and see us. Tell us what God is doing in your life. Remember what God did in your life at CHA and what He is doing now.  

Remembering is a powerful gift that the Lord has given. May each of us live intentionally this week and remember those people who have made a difference in our lives and the memories that we have made. Run back and tell them.