
Raise the Standard

September 03, 2019
By Dr. Susan DeMoss

Every year our faculty professional development focuses on a theme for the year. This year’s theme is “Raise the Standard.” In Scripture, a flag is known as a standard or as a banner. Song of Solomon 2:4 says, "He has brought me to his banquet hall, And his banner over me is love.” 

In August, our teachers created a banner to represent their grade level or department. The challenge cast was that each one of us is known for something.  What is our standard?

This year, CHA is focusing on standards in curriculum development and student leadership practices. The teachers have worked diligently for the past eight months to develop their curriculum.  Over the summer, our teachers and administrators spent over 1000 hours working on their courses. The teachers received a stipend for their work through the CHA grant program.  The grant program has invested over $100,000 in teacher development over the past 10 years. Last year, CHA developed eight practices of leadership to be built into the lives of CHA students. Every Wednesday, our faculty are trained in one of these practices. Our students are trained in one of these practices each week during their elementary homeroom or secondary FLEX period. 

This year, CHA will also be involved in its accreditation renewal process.  Every five years, CHA receives Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) accreditation which is also recognized by the State of Oklahoma.  ACSI accreditation is comprised of eight standards that encompass every aspect of school life.  The faculty and staff will review CHA’s current practices in light of these standards. This process is extremely helpful in promoting growth within our school. 

Will you please pray for our faculty and staff as we pursue these goals in curriculum development, student leadership, and accreditation? Will you please pray for our faculty and staff as we commit to raising the standard of Jesus Christ this year at CHA? It is His standard that waves above our school. His banner is love. It is our prayer that we are known for raising His banner high.

For His Glory,
Dr. Susan DeMoss
Associate Headmaster