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Distinctively CHA

Archives - September 2019


September 30, 2019
By Dr. Susan DeMoss
Parent Teacher Conference

Christian Heritage Academy’s mission is to assist the home and the church in building a solid foundation in the life of each student.  Deuteronomy 6:5-9 states, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.  And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”

With parents being the primary teachers of their children, it is a gift to partner with each of the families that God has brought to CHA. Parent conferences are a time for parents and teachers to strengthen this partnership.  This year, CHA had one of the largest parent conference turnouts in the history of the school. Parent conferences allow both the home and the school to see a fuller glimpse into the life of the student, to pray for the student, and to encourage the student to “excel still more” as 1 Thessalonians 4:10 states.

I am thankful for the investment that our families make in the lives of their children every day. The hours spent reading to your children, eating dinner at the dinner table, attending extra-curricular events, providing boundaries, and having intentional spiritual conversations are investments that will reap a lifetime of rewards. I am thankful for the teachers who diligently prepared for these conferences to make them meaningful.  I am thankful for the staff who greeted our parents throughout the day. 

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in this endeavor.  We are thankful that the Lord has brought you to CHA.

For His Glory,
Susan Elaine DeMoss, PhD
Associate Headmaster

The Way

September 27, 2019
By Dr. Susan DeMoss
Bulletin Board

Barna Research reported in 2017 that “one out of every five adults (21%) strongly affirms a personal responsibility to share their religious beliefs with people who hold different beliefs than they do.” The article went onto state that “Fewer churches emphasize and equip people for evangelism these days, and the results are obvious and undeniable.”1

What are obvious and undeniable consequences? Eternity.

Matthew 28:19-20 commands every believer to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” At Christian Heritage Academy,  the gospel is our mission.  This is the way God established for men to know Him. Why is our vision to train leaders in every sphere of society?  That all men may know Him.

For the past two years, Mrs. Deanna Huff, one of our secondary teachers, has worked with the elementary Bible teachers to restructure the Bible curriculum. The new alignment provides not only a sequential approach to teaching God’s word but also aligns the catechisms at each grade level. In addition, at each grade level, the students are taught a different way to share the gospel. From the wordless book to the Roman Road (as seen in the picture above), our students at each grade level hear the gospel and also are equipped to share the gospel.  

This is the CHA WAY.  This week, may God open our eyes to see people around us who do not know Christ.  May God burden our hearts to share with others that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6).

For His Glory,
Dr. Susan DeMoss
Associate Headmaster

1. “Survey Christians are Not Sharing the Gospel.” George Barna, 30 November 2017, Accessed 22 September 2019.


September 18, 2019
By Dr. Susan DeMoss
kids playing

If you ever have attended a CHA football game, you may have noticed that the baseball field has a “game” of its own. While the high school football players compete on the football field with the cheerleaders and band supporting them, the elementary students play together on the baseball field. This is one of the things that makes CHA special.  

It is a gift to have our athletic complex.  But the greater gift is the gift of simplicity. In a world where life is always busy, people long for the simple things in life.  Watching elementary students play together is a picture of simplicity.  Watching a high school football game, listening to the band, and cheering with the cheerleaders is an American pastime. There are no worries.  The parents can enjoy the football game while their children run, play, and laugh together on the baseball field.  Alumni return and educators rejoice. Generational families adorn the stands and cheer on the Crusaders.

As the midpoint of the quarter approaches, homework and extra-curricular activities are in full swing.  This week may we embrace those times when life is still (or maybe even just a little calmer). May we seize the moments when time seems to stand still with our kids and the world seems a little simpler. Psalm 46:10 says,  “‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’”

May we exalt Christ this week!
Dr. Susan DeMoss
Associate Headmaster


September 11, 2019
By Dr. Susan DeMoss
Class of 1999

To honor means to highly respect or esteem. As a teacher, there is no greater honor than to serve the Lord and be a part of His work in the lives of young people.  3 John 4 states, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” The culmination of this verse is to see God at work in our own children and students in the years after they are with us. This is true for our alumni. Over the past three months, we have been privileged to have the classes of 1999 and 2009 return to CHA for their reunions. In an era when people are incredibly busy, it is a gift to the faculty and staff for alumni to return to visit. It is a gift that they would honor us by allowing us to hear what the Lord is doing in their lives.

Throughout Scripture, we are called to honor the Lord and others. How do we practice honor? Remembering is one way. Remembering what God has done. It amazes us, as teachers, that God uses imperfect people to be a part of His perfect plan.  It humbles us to reflect upon the truth that God has called us to be educators for His glory. He allows us, as educators, to live life-on-life with some of the most amazing students and families in the city.  It overjoys me to see our students return “home” to share what God is doing. 

Another way to honor others is through the giving of our time. This can include taking the time to visit, write a card, send a word of encouragement, or call.  In a world where time is perhaps the most valuable commodity that a person has, these expressions of honor hold even greater meaning. 
May we honor the Lord this week by remembering what He has done in our lives.  May we thank Him for using imperfect people to accomplish His perfect plan. May we take the time to spend time with Him. May we teach our children to honor their parents, authority and most importantly, to honor God.  He is worthy!

For His Glory,

Dr. Susan Elaine DeMoss
Associate Headmaster

Raise the Standard

September 03, 2019
By Dr. Susan DeMoss

Every year our faculty professional development focuses on a theme for the year. This year’s theme is “Raise the Standard.” In Scripture, a flag is known as a standard or as a banner. Song of Solomon 2:4 says, "He has brought me to his banquet hall, And his banner over me is love.” 

In August, our teachers created a banner to represent their grade level or department. The challenge cast was that each one of us is known for something.  What is our standard?

This year, CHA is focusing on standards in curriculum development and student leadership practices. The teachers have worked diligently for the past eight months to develop their curriculum.  Over the summer, our teachers and administrators spent over 1000 hours working on their courses. The teachers received a stipend for their work through the CHA grant program.  The grant program has invested over $100,000 in teacher development over the past 10 years. Last year, CHA developed eight practices of leadership to be built into the lives of CHA students. Every Wednesday, our faculty are trained in one of these practices. Our students are trained in one of these practices each week during their elementary homeroom or secondary FLEX period. 

This year, CHA will also be involved in its accreditation renewal process.  Every five years, CHA receives Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) accreditation which is also recognized by the State of Oklahoma.  ACSI accreditation is comprised of eight standards that encompass every aspect of school life.  The faculty and staff will review CHA’s current practices in light of these standards. This process is extremely helpful in promoting growth within our school. 

Will you please pray for our faculty and staff as we pursue these goals in curriculum development, student leadership, and accreditation? Will you please pray for our faculty and staff as we commit to raising the standard of Jesus Christ this year at CHA? It is His standard that waves above our school. His banner is love. It is our prayer that we are known for raising His banner high.

For His Glory,
Dr. Susan DeMoss
Associate Headmaster

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