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April 12, 2021
By Dr. Susan DeMoss
Presidential China Plates

CHA has a rich legacy of tradition. From the Christmas and Easter programs to unique field trips and secondary retreats at each grade level, CHA is intentional about building community and memories. The third-grade Presidential Tea is one of the highlights for any CHA alumnus. Mr. Kyle Smith and Mr. Justin Skalla did an outstanding job capturing the essence of it on this brief video. The students research and write a report over a U.S. President or First Lady. This interdisciplinary unit incorporates speech and art as well. Students re-create the presidential china plate for their dignitary for whom they represent. They prepare a short speech and dress up as their representative. Parents graciously give their time and resources to prepare food for the tea. Mrs. Champion and Mrs. Harden spend hours reviewing reports, practicing the presentations, and preparing for the event. The Presidential Tea is much more than an event. It is an educational experience that studies the legacy of our country’s servant leaders. Our students analyze the accomplishments and failures of these men and women. They study the lessons learned from their life and celebrate how God has used these leaders in our nation. 

Webster’s 1828 defines legacy as “a bequest; a particular thing, or a certain sum of money given by last will or testament.” At Christian Heritage Academy, our students study the rich legacy of faith that many of our founding fathers had. Our students learn to reason from the Biblical principles from which our nation was founded. Legacy is predicated upon one having the foresight to write down their desires in a last will or testament. Many of our nation’s leaders left diaries and journals which revealed their faith in the One True God. These key individuals are studied as examples of how God uses common men and women to do uncommon things. 

Last week, our faculty and staff had the opportunity to hear from WatersEdge Ministry about how to leave a legacy for their families through establishing a financial trust along with a will and testament. Representatives Mrs. Julie Stanley, a current parent, and Mr. Terry Davidson, an alumni parent, shared valuable information about estate planning. WatersEdge Ministry offers these services free of charge for anyone interested. Several of our employees have utilized these services to secure their estates. If you would like more information on these services, please contact me at or 405-672-1787 ext. 233 for more information or sign up on their website

If you would like to learn more about the legacy of CHA by attending our final Heritage Dinner, please use this link. At our last dinner, we were blessed to receive over $106,000 towards the Ralph Bullard Training Facility’s goal of $2.1 million. Mr. Bullard’s legacy continues to capture the hearts and minds of our constituents. It reminds me of Proverbs 13:22: “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” What legacy will you leave? May they be blessed.