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God’s Big Story

May 08, 2023
By Dr. Susan DeMoss

One of the distinctives of CHA’s curriculum is our Bible program. Our elementary Bible curriculum teaches the Westminster Catechisms at each grade level, framed in the Biblical metanarrative, God’s Big Story,  of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. At each grade, the doctrine is taught and built upon. The seven doctrines are:

  • Principle 1—Doctrine of the Bible 
    The Bible is God’s Word. It is infallible, inherent, and sufficient.  (John 1:1; 1 Tim 4:16)
  • Principle 2—Doctrine of God
    There is one God with a triune nature. (Genesi 1:1-2; Deut 6:4)
  • Principle 3—Doctrine of Man
    Man is made in the image of God with a God-given purpose. He has an inherent sin nature. (Gen 1:26-28, Rom 3:23)
  • Principle 4—Doctrine of Christ and the Holy Spirit
    Jesus and the Holy Spirit are a part of the Godhead with distinct roles but one essence. (Phil 2:6-11; John 10:30; John 3:5; Genesis 1:2)
  • Principle 5—Doctrine of Redemption/Salvation
    Through Jesus Christ’s atonement on the cross, mankind can be justified. Sanctification is a part of a believer's life. (Titus 3:5; 1 Cor 6:11)
  • Principle 6—Doctrine of the Church 
    The church is Christ’s bride to worship and equip the saints. (Rom 12:10; Rom 15:14; Eph 4:32; 1 Thess 5:11; 1 John 3:11)
  • Principle 7—Doctrine of Future 
    Christ will return for His people. Heaven and hell are real places for believers and non-believers after the final judgment. (Matthew 24:4-5; 11; 23-2; Rev 21:4; Rev 20:12-13)

The elementary Bible curriculum cumulates in fifth and sixth graders writing short essays on one of these doctrinal statements. It is with this foundation that we can build upon in secondary through an overview of God’s Old and New Testament in junior high, hermeneutics and church history in ninth grade, systematic theology in tenth grade, philosophy and worldview as juniors, and apologetics and Christian living in the senior year.

As CHA partners with the home and the church in establishing a solid foundation in each student's life, we see the impact validated in the students’ PEERS worldview test scores, in which our seniors score consistently in the top ten schools in the nation.