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Strike Up the Band

September 11, 2023
By Dr. Susan DeMoss

If anyone has ever attended a CHA home football game, you know it is a little taste of “Mayberry.” The smell of hotdogs and hamburgers fills the air. Elementary kids play in the field. Parents linger in the stands after the play is over. Alumni gather by the fence. Grandparents enjoy watching their student-athletes compete. The band plays. Time stands still.

I love many things about CHA, but one of the best is the innocence of a CHA football game. It is a place where children can still be children. Five dollars can buy an evening of entertainment. Community is built. But most of all, after the game is over, you leave the stadium and thank God for allowing your family to attend CHA.

I don't know what you have planned for September 22. Come join us as we “strike up the band.”